The crew of the Good Ship Fantastica continues to grow.
Our Authors

Francesco Verso
Francesco is an Italian science fiction writer whose award-winning book, Livido, has been proudly published into English by Fantastica. Livid engages with finest traditions of science fiction, set in a future where today’s forgotten problems can no longer be ignored.
Born in Bologna, Italy, in 1973, Francesco has a major in Environmental Economics at the University of “Roma Tre” and has worked for IBM (PC Division) and Lenovo. Since 2008 he has worked as a full-time writer/publisher of Italian science fiction.
His novels include Human Antidotes (finalist for the Urania Mondadori Award 2004) and e-Doll (winner of the Urania Mondadori Award 2009). In 2011 he published Livid, which won the 2013 Odyssey Award from Delos Books. It is his first novel to be translated into English.

Sami Shah
Comedian and writer Sami Shah has been profiled in the New York Times and on ABC’sAustralian Story, and has appeared on BBC Radio 4, BBC Asian Network, TEDx, The Project, and a run of shows at London’s Soho Theatre. He wrote and performed a 2-part series for BBC Radio 4 – A Beginners Guide To Pakistan – and appeared as a panelist on episode 03-Season M of QI with Stephen Fry. Sami won the award for Best Local Act at the 2013 Perth International Comedy Festival. His autobiography, I, Migrant, was nominated for the NSW Premier’s Literary Award and the Russell Prize for Humour Writing. He also writes columns for SCOOP Magazine, Fairfax Media, the Courier-Mail, and many other publications, and is a frequent contributor on ABC720 and ABC Radio National. Sami lives with his family in Melbourne.
Twitter: @samishah
Our Crew

Thomas Wilson
Bio: Thomas Wilson works in sales for a Big 5 publisher by day, but by night (well, early morning) dreams of the fantastic. He has completed a Master of Publishing and Editing and is now exploring other worlds.
Favourite Books/Authors: China Mieville (The Scar), Kim Stanley Robinson (Red Mars), Joe Haldeman (The Forever War), and Peter Watts (Blindsight).
What I would publish in an instant: Climate change themed science fiction, or anything that tackles the hard questions that we are going to face in the next century or so.

David M Henley
Bio: David M Henley is best known as the author of the Pierre Jnr trilogy, but also for the pseudomonas works as Terence Bumbly.
Favourite Books/Authors: Anything by Heinlein, Haldeman, Atwood, Dick
What I would publish in an instant: I like fast-moving stories that don’t talk to me like a child.

Lucy Faerber
Bio: Lucy is the current writer of Seizure Online’s fortnightly Round Up column, and has previously edited the UTS Writers’ Anthology 2012 and 2013. Her writing can be found in the 2012 Anthology, Vertigo Magazine, Seizure Online, and scribbled on the back of her hand before she forgets to buy more notebooks.
Favourite Books/Authors: American Gods (anything by Neil Gaiman), The Handmaid’s Tale, Children of Men, Never Let Me Go, Human Croquet, Deathless, The Prestige, The Passion (everything by Jeanette Winterson).
What I would publish in an instant: An obscure folktale retold in the far reaches of outer space.

Christopher Marcatili
Bio: Christopher Marcatili has completed a Masters of Creative Writing and spends much of his time juggling freelance editing, his own creative practice, and two ‘real’ jobs.
Favourite Books/Authors: China Mièville, Robin Hobb, K.J. Parker, Philip K. Dick, Margaret Atwood, Kurt Vonnegut, Josè Saramago.
What I would publish in an instant: Anything that challenges the tropes of fantasy fiction or uses the strange and otherworldly to show us something about ourselves.

Mark Riboldi
Bio: Mark is a writer, photographer and communications all-rounder with a long-standing love of the fantastic. He has worked as a political communications adviser, an English language teacher and as a hostel care-taker manager in an obscure town in the Czech Republic.
Favourite Books/Authors: Ursula Le Guin, George Orwell, Douglas Adams and Philip Pullman.
What I would publish in an instant: Cracking yarns which challenges the way our society is constructed.